After the shootings yesterday many people asked the idiotic question, "Why does God allow evil?" God doesn't allow evil. Evil just is. It exists in all humans. Humans by nature are inherently evil. Newton's law of motion, though intended for physics, actually explains it best. It is the equal and opposite reaction to good.
When Voltaire said, "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him," I believe he meant that people needed something larger than anything known to man or that could be created by man to believe in, in times of sorrow, despair and need. Only the more intelligent humans learn that actually thanking God for his blessings, and praying to Him for others or for unselfish reasons that good things are returned to you many-fold over. Man also needs something far greater than himself to fear. Without the fear of the unknown or the fear of having to one day answer for all of the evil we exude, we would live in total anarchy. God did not let the slaughter of these innocent people occur. He was locked out of that school as well as the shooter. We as a society in order not to offend anyone have once again gone beyond the balancing point to overcompensate or overly insure that we are not in anyway supporting a State sponsored religion. Why? In all religions aren't the top figures considered Gods? Isn't God no matter what his name is, the head of most recognized religions? If we are concerned that we may offend another religion then we should just try to come to a neutral point that can be accepted by all. Who cares if we offend an atheist. If and when atheists become the majority in this country, they can pass laws to protect their beliefs. Our Supreme Court and lawmakers have lost sight of the fact that the basis of our Government is that a majority rules. As long as we do not pass laws that are oppressive, disenfranchises others, or that is contrary to the common good of all citizens then we should stop worrying who is offended based on a personal choice or belief. Regardless if it is a religious, sexual or personal belief. Personally, I also found it awesome last night that a huge crowd gathered in a church, if for no other reason, than to find comfort. People need a common thread in communities to hold the fabric of our society together. It was a good thing that these like minded people pulled together to show solidarity in the face of this tragic situation. After the shock and horror of this situation begins to fade, maybe we should be asking between incidents like this, "Why are we forcing God out of our schools?" Questions like, "If God offends you so much that you will not stand up and fight for His right to be present in our schools and in the lives of our youth, then why waste your time going to church after a tragedy like this occur?" Shouldn't we be asking God for guidance and help in raising our children and help in instilling morals in our children that makes it wrong to kill or hurt other humans? Even if you feel the ten commandments are a joke, or a religious farce, you have to agree that the message that the ten commandments are conveying is good common sense for any civilized society, even if you take the religious connotation out of them. Today every one is screaming for gun control. How ludicrous is this thought? This kid was not old enough to purchase HANDGUNS, and the guns were not his. They were legally owned by his mother. A citizen who owned a normal number of weapons. All weapons were legal and licensed within her state. What happened yesterday was a tragedy plain and simple. There were probably warning signs that were ignored but it is not fair to sit back and play armchair quarterback. The Lanza family paid a huge price themselves yesterday. We need to let the people that have training and expertise in these areas sort this situation out and try to make sense of it. I know that the economic condition of this country and the sense of hopelessness that many feel in the US today may tend to make situations like yesterday and the mall shootings last week more common. We should be looking at ways to ease the pain that Americans are feeling across this nation. When society loses faith, and when society loses hope evil will breed from greed, and it will begin to surface. Then, the most innocent, and the vulnerable people in our society become the victims. Usually that is the elderly, women and children. They will provide the greatest shock value and leave a scar that makes it hard for society to forget.
During the past few weeks I have been working on building a greenhouse. Unlike the greenhouses that you see made of light aluminum and plastic, I decided to use the wood and posts I had used from my hanging garden in NC. Needless to say it has been a job. I want to thank those that have helped.
When we as men take on projects like this we get all our tools together, and think things through to make sure that when we start we have a good solid understanding of what it is we are trying to accomplish. It took a couple of weeks to put eight posts into the ground as we live on top of a a fairly solid limestone hill. Since the structure is going to be an experiment this year we decided not to cement the post in the ground and we built it with the terrain rather that worrying about leveling the ground. The greenhouse is turning out pretty nice in my opinion and I am excited about this New Project. I have always enjoyed a garden and as most people that have a garden know they are a lot of work. You have to work and care for your garden each day or you end up with a nice plot of weeds. Two years ago I was very successful in growing an upside down hanging garden. Nothing was planted in the ground and I didn't have the back breaking work of bending over or weeding. I really enjoyed it, so I am attempting to accomplish the same thing with this greenhouse. Anyway, as I progressed through the process of building this greenhouse, it went from a planned 8'X8' to a 21'X8' enclosure. At first, I was going to make the back higher than the front and just have a sloped roof. However, in the process of putting the first post in the ground it was quickly decided that we either needed dynamite to get through the rock or we were not going to dig as deeply as we planned. We opted for option number two. We didn't plant the poles as deeply as we planned. However it all worked out well. I just modified my mental plans for the greenhouse and adapted everything into a new plan. Wood today is not as cheap as it once was when little projects like this were more fun. Still it is reasonable and allows for modifications. I had decided to use a 4 mil plastic as the skin on the greenhouse and it too was fairly inexpensive. With the change in plans, I changed the roof to 1/2" PVC pipe, as you can build anything with PVC. I bought 10' lengths to span 8' which made a nice arch for the greenhouse and it actually gave it a professional look in my opinion. I wanted to make sure that I didn't rip my plastic by just stapling it to the wood so I wanted some 1/4" wood slats to hold the plastic in place. I was shocked to discover a 10' piece of 1/4"X2" wood cost more ($3.29 ea), than the 10' piece of 2"x4" ($2.37 ea). So again I had to adapt. I bought some extra 2"x4"'s and ripped them down with the help of my friend's father-in-law. I easily saved $175.00 by ripping the wood myself. When the time came to build, I went into my storage room and began looking for some nails. After a through search I was really shocked at the 1000's of finishing nails I had. I have finishing nails of all colors, silver, black, tan, white, and blue. I could not find the first nail larger than 1" and it really bothered me. Had I honestly started this many projects in my life and never finished them? Where the hell did I get all of these finishing nails? This project has made me stop to reflect on all the different things I have built in my life, at least the ones I could remember. All the left over parts, and the 1000's of finishing nails are all metaphorically changes or adaptations from my life. When things didn't fit, or the plan didn't fall into place as it was supposed to, I adapted or modified my life to make things fit. More often than not I have used the bigger hammer theory to make things to fit. If I still could not force it to fit, I either discarded it, or cut it out of my life. As a result, I have 1000's of finishing nails from projects I obviously have never finished. As I continue this project, I am trying to think of all the projects in my life that I need to finish right now. I do not want someone coming into my house one day after I have died, finding all my finishing nails. It would be a sign that I was a failure in life. It would be a sign that I was a man that never put the finishing touches on things and that would be an embarrassment to me. I think I am better than that. Starting today, I am going to put the big hammer and the saws down. I am going to start going by the plan as I believe my maker has designed it. I am going to put each piece into place as it was designed and I am going to finish this project called life as I have been told it is supposed to be. If it doesn't fit into my life without modification it was not intended to be in my life. So if after today some of you no longer hear from me please know it has nothing to do with you personally. It's just that I am tired of modifying my life and going out of my way to accommodate you. You either fit into my life naturally or it is obvious that you were never intended to be in it. I am going to go back to old projects and finish a few before starting any new ones. I am going to try and use up all my finishing nails before I leave this earth. I was on my couch this morning and honestly grunted as I rose to make another cup of coffee. I reminded myself of my grandfather, William August "Gandy" Wilmer. This was one male role model in my life that even to this day I miss with all my heart.
Gandy was an awesome man. He was lean, and stood over 6 feet tall. He loved the Cincinnati Reds, his dogs (Nikie, and Dodie), his Parakeet 'Bill', cooking, growing tomatoes, his Pall Mall non filtered cigarettes, and my Nana or 'Lib' as he called her. As a young child I would beg to go to his house in Charlotte every chance I got. At night I would sleep in his bed, in the valley behind his back because he was heavier than me and I would roll towards him when he laid down to sleep. He would lay in bed if I was still awake and tell me stories of growing up in and around Ft. Thomas, KY. He talked about making A-Frame traps to hunt for rabbits and small game, and how he used to swim and raft in the Ohio River. Mark Twain was one of his favorite writers, and Huckleberry Finn reminded him of his Childhood. He talked about meeting and knowing Harlan Sanders. To Gandy, he was a friend that sold chicken along one of his sales routes. As a young man, Gandy was a traveling salesman in hardware and lumber, if I remember right. In his later years he and Nana had a Market Research Company, and he drove a Yellow Cab at night around Charlotte, NC, just because he loved it. He finally gave that up after being rob at gun point. Aside from grunting like a man in his 70's this morning reminding me of Gandy, I now have the chair in my house that Gandy used to sit in everyday. I can look over at the chair and it reminds me of the guy that used to stand for hours in his kitchen making some of the BEST spaghetti, beef stew or any other dish he chose to cook. From him came some awesome recipes, and several hours of being able to watch him cook. He wrote nothing down and adjusted with ease any recipe according to the number of people eating. Cooking is the one thing I can say I picked up and learned to love from my grandfather. I spent nearly 3 days getting up and down, sitting on a stool in my kitchen because I cannot stand for any extended periods of time, to cook a meal for my wife and her family members for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was complete except for the absence of my step-daughter, Katie, her husband Adam, and her two children Jayde, and Maddox. Although I hurt for days afterwards, I was in hog heaven watching this crew enjoy a large turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs and an apple pie. Everything was made from scratch, and made to perfection. To me, Thanksgiving, and Christmas meals and family and friend get-togethers are traditions that are the thread that holds families and communities together. Once a year during the months of November and December, families come together and reunite for what normally is a feast in most homes. Lately though, I have been discouraged by the things I see and hear today that remind me that America is no longer Baseball, Apple Pies, and Chevrolet. Parents have failed and are failing to teach and pass on traditions that have been around for generations and lately is has been politically correct to dismiss or disrespect some of these old traditions.
I don't think it is too late to stop the downward spiral but as I said before it has to start at home. There has to emerge the senses, of worth, pride and respect that used to reside in every home and neighborhood throughout America and that is going to be tough. Not impossible but tough. I see and I recognize these qualities from time to time and I pray they continue to make a comeback in every home across this nation. I mentioned earlier my step-daughter was not with us on this past holiday. She had obligations of work and was unable to make the trip to see her family. However, I was so proud of her when I heard just yesterday that she and her husband prepared a Thanksgiving meal at home for their children. Janit said that Katie and Adam both feel traditions were important, and that she, Katie wanted to pass them down to her children. This makes me proud to be a part of this family. Janit and her ex, Frank did an awesome job of instilling traditions and a sense of family value in their two children. I am confident that both kids (adults now) will continue to teach their children the importance of traditions regardless of what they are, throughout their lives. If this was practiced in all homes across America, this nation would again flourish and prosper. People have lost the senses of worth, pride and respect but it is still exists. It can be seen from time to time and that gives you another long lost sense, called HOPE. I have been avoiding the blog because I was beginning to sound like a old man that rants about the end of the world and I realized that even if it were true, most people wouldn't give a damn as long as it didn't interfere with their day-to-day lives.
I was pretty convinced that people actually cared about the basics, like right from wrong, justice from injustice and truth from a lie. I learned yesterday that most Americans could really care less about what is actually happening in the United States as long as it does not directly affect them. Beyond a shadow of a doubt we know: The White House lied about Fast and Furious. Beyond a shadow of a doubt we know Obama lied about Benghazi. Beyond a shadow of a doubt we know Eric Holder lied to Congress. Beyond a shadow of a doubt we know the White House was aware of Libor fixing and the illegal activities of the US Banks before a bailout was given. Knowing all that, the majority of the people in the United States given the opportunity to remove this administration from office, chose to allow this administration to remain in office four more years. I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed but I would also be lying if I said this was a surprise. I expected the majority of the US citizens to look the other way and ignore the wrongs that are going on everyday. I can only say congratz to President Obama. I do not support your policies nor do I support you, but I support the decision of my fellow Americans to allow you to continue to govern as they have come to enjoy. My opinion has not changed. I know you are a liar. I know you are responsible for the murder of Brian Terry, and I have no doubt you were aware of the security problems in Benghazi. Personally I think the Republican party deserved the loss. As I said before the election we are being offered two bowls of Crap. It is really up to us to decide which one stinks less. Having already smelled Obama's crap for four years, I would have preferred to move on to a new bowl of crap. However, that was not the outcome of last nights election. What did happen, was the Republicans in the arrogance of their White Superiority mentality believed that they could shun the minorities in this nation and still win. What really happened was the people chose the lesser of the two evils offered as they perceived it. Regardless of what happens during the next four years, I know this, Rogersville voted for the sale of alcohol. Since I can't seem to beat'em or make a difference, I plan to join them. I am going to have a few drinks, delete the News Pages from my Homepages and stop worrying about the future of the US. I will encourage the youth around me to avoid the military, church and of course the lousy school systems. I will turn a deaf ear to them when I hear a lie. I will laugh when they cheat their way through a life situation or pull the wool over their parents eyes. It is apparent none of this matters anymore. Morals are a joke to this new generation of movers and shakers. I will just live day to day and enjoy life more in their example. As long as I am fat and happy at the end of the day that is all that matters. The future of this nation is not our problem. My new philosophy in life is Carpe Diem. (For the less informed that means Seize the Day) Over 6000 Americans have lost their lives fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to insure you and others have the basic democratic right to vote for the representatives of your choice.
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers wives and husbands, whom for many of them left families with young children to give you this right. Do not let their ultimate sacrifice to you and your country be for naught. In Alabama your last day to register to vote is October 26th. That is 18 days from today. REGISTER to vote. If anyone in my community needs a ride to register leave me a message here or on Facebook. I will either provide you with a ride or I will find a ride for you. Either way, REGISTER to VOTE. I took a little time off from my blog and Facebook, because I could tell I was basically talking to myself. I am so sure that the intelligence level of the MAJORITY of people in the United States has reached that low point where the average person is too ignorant to make up his or her own minds, and most are so ignorant they lack the capability of being able to process an original thought.
For the most part, people wait for their preacher, boss, husband, wife, friend, or social group to tell them who to vote for, or they base their opinions on the lies the mainstream media feeds them everyday. Why, you ask? Because most are too ignorant to open their eyes to see and to read about the issues in the world that do and will affect them. They are too ignorant and lack the mental skills necessary to filter out the bullshit from the truth. Today, I read where our IGNORANT, RACIST, FUCKING PUKE of a President, was the person that LEAKED the identities of the leaders of the SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden. Leon Panetta now says the president authorized the release of the names of Seal Team 6's leaders to Hollywood movie producers for a movie that is/was scheduled to be released in October of this year before the elections in November. According to Mr. Panetta, had the information been released by anyone other than the president it would have been illegal, and it would have endangered the lives and security of the US and our elite fighting forces. Panetta went on to say that since it was the president that LEAKED the information it was not illegal nor was it releasing classified information because the president decides what is and is not classified. Now how stupid is this statement? By next Wednesday, the Dept of Justice is supposed to release that report concerning the botched gun walking operation Fast and Furious. It should let us know what top officials should be charged with Capital Murder. Someone in this administration needs to stand trial for the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Part of the report was released today which stated that high ranking officials up and down the chain-of-command both in the ATF/ICE and in the Justice Department, ignored warnings and procedures. All we need to know is the name of the Highest Ranking Official that should have stopped the operation and whose watch this murder occurred on. That is the person that needs to stand trial. I have no doubt that that High Ranking official will be at least Eric Holder, if not Obama himself. Regardless of who the person is, they need to be arrested, tried for murder and sentenced accordingly. My vote is for the death penalty since all this administration has done is attempt to hide the facts and dodge responsibility for a failed illegal operation which resulted in the death of a law enforcement agent. Americans need to wake up and become more aware of what is going on in this world around them. Stop allowing people to spoon feed you a bunch of bullshit and for God's sake stop allowing others to decide who it is you want to trust with your future and the future of your children. I spoke with someone the other day that I actually consider to be intelligent. When we talked about politics, I was told by this person that they would be voting for Obama because the Union they work for has made it clear that is who the Union supports. SO FUCKING WHAT. Who do you think would be the best person to lead your country? In your mind, based on your beliefs, who is the best person to decide the future of the United States for the next four years? "That doesn't really matter. I guess if I want a job I have to vote for Obama." You'll have a job not matter what. You are in a profession that is pretty much guaranteed to exist until the end of time. Stop letting corrupt union officials, that do nothing but steal your future when they rob the retirement pensions meant to protect your future to support their fat asses, make decisions for you. I have a novel idea. Grow a pair of nuts, stand up and say I am voting for SO and SO based on these reasons which I think affect me and my family. I could give a rats ass if you vote for Obama or Romney, but do it because you read about the issues affecting your world, and you made a decision based on your original thoughts. Take the time out of your day to set aside 10 to 15 minutes to read the news. Listen to the candidates in their own words tell you what they support or think is important and then after a few weeks make a decision based on your personal thoughts as to who will be the best leader of this nation. You can't be wrong at that point. You will have decided what is best for you based on your original thoughts, That cannot be wrong. I would like to say thank- you to Mo Brooks and Senator Jeff Session for their responses to the letters concerning UN Agenda 21, and the Arms Trade Treaty. I appreciate your positions on these issues and I too will be watching what develops over the next few years. It took awhile but I received a response from Mo Brooks. In fairness I have to say his answer was well thought out and his points were made in a very professional manner.
I knew Mr. Brooks was a member of the House of Representatives and in actuality would have no vote concerning United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as Senators vote to ratify treaties. However, I wanted to know Mr. Brooks position on the ATT. I want to say thank-you to Mr Brooks for taking the time to respond and to further explain his position on the 2nd Amendment which is an important issue to me. August 8, 2012 Mr. Christopher Massey Rogersville, AL 35652 Dear Mr. Massey: Thank you for contacting me to share your views regarding the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, a potential multilateral treaty with the intention of regulating international trade of conventional weapons. Firstly, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution makes it clear that it is exclusively a responsibility of the United States Senate to consider and ratify international treaties: "[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advise and Consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...” Per the Constitution, and as a member of the House of Representatives, I have no vote on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Notwithstanding that I have no vote on this issue, I share your concerns and will pass our objections on to Alabama Senators Richard Shelby and Jeff Sessions (both of whom are very likely to oppose this treaty). Secondly, the right to keep and bear arms is a guaranteed right in the United States Constitution. Moreover, the Supreme Court in the 1957 case Reid v Covert established that the Constitution supersedes international treaties ratified by the United States Senate. So, even with the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, a Supreme Court that follows the Constitution should hold that the treaty has no effect on our 2nd Amendment Rights. I am a firm believer that Second Amendment rights must be preserved. The Second Amendment may have done more to keep America free and democratic than any other provision in our Bill of Rights. I have no intention of supporting the weakening of our right to bear arms. To the contrary, I have and will continue to defend our Second Amendment rights with my vote. Please feel free to contact me again in the future. You may wish to visit my website at for additional information about issues and legislation before Congress. Sincerely, Mo Brooks Member of Congress MB/lp I have made this argument before that we need to do something about the serious condition of our Infrastructure. However, I have not offered a suggestion on how to fund the rebuilding of America but I think I offered a great suggestion earlier this week on Facebook.
It is estimated that the current cost of maintaining the roads in the US is approximately $225 billion per year. All across America we have bridges and overpasses in critical need of repair. We have levees and dams that have disintegrated to the point of that it is only a matter of when not if one collapses again killing more innocent people trying to make a living and raise a family in the United States. Read the papers across America and everyday you will read stories like this one last week in the NY Post: "Sinkhole nearly swallows a car in Brooklyn." Why? Americans are taxed out the ass. Our earning are taxed, and our expenditures are taxed. We pay federal, state and local taxes on almost everything we buy. On top of that we pay special taxes for gasoline, and sin taxes for cigarettes and alcohol. You cannot even die in this country without taxes having to be paid for the things you leave your family. If you do well and purchase a house or property there is a property tax. WE ARE TAXED TO FUCKING DEATH. A recent report to Congress says "Hundreds of Millions of US taxpayer dollars have been wasted on poorly managed infrastructure projects in Afghanistan." Why? What the fuck has Afghanistan done for us to deserve any of the taxpayers money? I haven't been asked if it is okay to spend my tax money on foreign soil. As a matter of fact let me make myself perfectly clear to my representatives. Stop spending my tax dollars on foreign soil. We need it here at home at the present time. Everyone with half a brain knows that you must take care of yourself first or you will not be able to take care of others. Right now America is suffering. Fuck everyone else in the world. Fix America first. A report was released just this week, "The IRS missing billions of tax dollars in ID theft." Why isn't someone from the IRS in front of a federal judge and being charged for dereliction of their sworn duties? Why isn't there a report of an investigation being launched concerning this issue? Someone needs to go to PRISON. A new report out of Brown University estimates that the "U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq--together with the counterinsurgency efforts in Pakistan--will, all told, cost $4 trillion and leave 225,000 dead, both civilians and soldiers." $4,000,000,000,000. That is approximately $12, 689 the federal government could have given to each man, woman, and child in the USA. I could have used that myself. That would have also helped to rebuild a portion of the roads and infrastructure in the United States. Someone is lying to us. We need answers. Not only do we need answers, we are entitled to answers. We were told at the start of the Iraqi War that eventually Oil Money would reimburse the USA for removing Saddam Hussein from power. Where is that money? It is time to stop sending taxpayers money overseas. Wasting it on wars and on countries that have no desire for improvement. "LIBORgate is HUGE and it's not likely that any government body can cover it up because civil lawsuits alleging outright fraud are flying fast and furious." According to The Economist article, the LIBOR rate was used to set interest rates on $800 trillion worth of financial instruments. That is 800,000,000,000,000. That is enough money to payoff the National Debt 53.3 times. Amazing huh? Yet, no one is in jail. No one is demanding the return of the money that was simply stolen from the American taxpayer. It has been discovered that the Federal Reserve knew months before the bailout of J.P Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, Citi Groups and others that they all knew the Libor was fixed. They were all gaining Billions of Dollars from the fraud. Yet the bailout was given anyway at a cost of Billions of additional dollars from the taxpayers of the United States. Yet, no one in the United States is in Prison for the FRAUD. No one in the United States has been charged for the FRAUD. No one in the United States has taken any action to get the taxpayers money back. "As concerns rise about the state of America’s cities and the bond markets where they raise money, federal regulators on Tuesday called for broad reforms, while noting that some of the most rudimentary changes would require an act of Congress." Google the frauds that occur in the bond markets. Right now the American taxpayers are being defrauded out of millions of dollars across the United States in the Bond Markets and your city, county, state and federal governments know that they are stealing millions from the taxpayer. They see it as business as usual. When will it end? When is someone going to put a stop to this kind of unchecked, unaccountable fraud that our government is perpetrating against the people of the United States? We deserve better people. We deserve to have our tax money accounted for right down to the penny and when it is misused or stolen from us we deserve to have those responsible brought into a court of law, and the people deserve justice. Here is the greatest lie of all. The Federal Government has been lying to you about unemployment for years. Before Obama, before Bush. I encourage people to honestly read this article. It explains the process the federal government uses to calculate the unemployment percentage. People across America, there is an Average of 18% unemployment. In some areas it is as high as 25%. This is a far cry more than the 8% the federal government is lying to you about monthly in this election year. On top of that, a new report came out this week that rated available jobs in the US. The is the most bleak report of all. . What is troubling about this is that there is no end in sight right now concerning unemployment, and there definitely is not an end in sight to the loss of more "Good" jobs in the US. With all this knowledge being shared everyday, why in God's name is anyone taking out a Student loan to pay for an education that will not be able to support you, your family and Sallie Mae at the same time. Last month it was reported that Student loan debt in the US has now surpassed Credit Card Debit. This debt can and never will be repaid. It is IMPOSSIBLE. There is no way Americans can afford to repay a college loan debt working for McDonald's and the Chinese Peddler Wal-Mart. It would seem to me that if the IRS can lose Billions, and if we have the money to help Afghanistan rebuild their Infrastructure, and if we can allow Financial Institutions to STEAL Trillions of dollars from us, and NO ONE GIVES A DAMN, the US Government can do something to help the struggling American families. Now here are some possible solutions to our current problems. Solutions are this easy. In a few Executive Orders any President could do the following:
It has been two weeks since I last posted anything to the blog. It just seems like there is too much to write about and too much to get upset over concerning developments that affect everyday life in the United States.
Friday of this past week was a great day for Americans. As I mentioned before the United Nations was pressing for an International Treaty on conventional weapons. This was a direct threat to the United States Constitution and more especially the 2nd Amendment. I like to think in some small way my ranting on Facebook and writing about it in this blog helped to get this treaty defeated. I have read that the United Nations and Barack Obama are still pushing for United Nations Agenda 21. This is so troubling. If the people of the United States would just take the time to research this proposal, it would be defeated and consideration of it in the United States would end. Our population has become so uneducated and so complacent with day to day living that issues that will have cataclysmic effects on this nation go unnoticed until it is too late to react or prepare for a defense. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is one such issue. Since the United Nation's Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was defeated the push for Agenda 21 has increased. In this push there is a clause that is being thrown around and if you read the definition it seems harmless until you get to Ethics portion of the definition and it all falls into place. You can read about it here. Right now I am in a phase of not trusting anything Obama stands for or is in favor of, as being anything that is good for the United States. However when I read this article, I trust our President even less. This week Barack Obama crossed the line in my opinion. Prior to this week he displayed the common trait that we all have called prejudice. Prejudice in and of itself is not a bad a thing. In everyday life we live it at home, at work and in social situations. Prejudice:
If our prejudice is against a race of people, or our perceived view of their color and therefore their 'supposed characteristics,' this is called Racism. This is a dangerous and detrimental behavior that causes civil unrest and decay. Racism in the United States is not a new social problem. However, prior to this week it had been in decline in the United States. The Federal and State governments have passed legislation to help alleviate the possibility of Racism being State sponsored or supported. That changed Tuesday when President Obama circumvented Congress and used his Executive Order Power to create a Department that is aimed to assist one specific group of our population. That is Unconstitutional. Obama knew it would never make it through Congress, so he abused his Executive Powers to put into place a Racist Order. Although Obama thinks he is above the law, or that he creates law, this is not true. He holds an office at the moment. An office that demands a lot of respect. An office of honor. Not everyone that holds this office is due respect or honor. Obama was touted as the Second Coming by a few of his more ignorant and certainly misled supporters. I assure you he does not walk on water, and he is far from any deity. He is however dangerous in his current position. In November, Americans and more especially Non-African-American-Americans (What ever the fuck that is) need to remember the things Obama has done to recreate, or re-ignite racism in the United States. If for one second we believe that all of the African-Americans (What ever the fuck that is) agree with his actions and that all of the African-Americans (What ever the fuck that is) will cast their votes in November for Barack Obama this will not make a difference. Obama can easily be be defeated in November. However people need to wake the fuck up. According to the US Census bureau the US population is approximately 312 million. White persons, percent, 2011 (a) 78.1% Black persons, percent, 2011 (a) 13.1% American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2011 (a) 1.2% Asian persons, percent, 2011 (a) 5.0% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander persons, percent, 2011 (a) 0.2% Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2011 2.3% Persons of Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent, 2011 (b) 16.7% White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2011 63.4% According to the Census Bureau 27% of the US Population is below age 18. That means there are 227M eligible voters. Let's for the sake of medical and physical reasons knock off another 5% for good measure and that leaves ~216M eligible voters. Now according to the latest polls that I can find: Monday, July 02, 2012 The number of Democrats and Republicans in the United States held relatively steady in June, though the number of voters in President Obama’s party is still at its highest level of 2012. During June, 35.4% of Americans considered themselves Republicans, down slightly from 35.7% in May. Roughly 51% of the registered voters are Democrats. This is a troublesome number. People need to register to vote. Only 146 million people were registered to vote in 2008. That is roughly 65% of the eligible voters. This is really an unacceptable number. We as citizen need to get our neighbors, our friends and family to the polls. Our children die to bring this right to all of us. It does not matter which party you align yourself with, it is important that you vote for the person that you feel will do the best job for this nation. I can only hope that if you took the time to read this, that you will take the time to read about Obama's actions as a President. Remember the lies and lack of respect Eric Holder has shown for his office. He was found GUILTY BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS, that is called Due Process. Many that sat and vetoed on his Contempt Charges were Attorneys (His Peers). Remember that the largest Bank "Bailout," that actually turned out to be nothing more than an even larger bank fraud based on the "Fixed Libor rates" that this administration was aware of prior to the bailout, but has even to this day done nothing about. Just last week it was reported that this scandal cost taxpayers Billions of dollars more if not Trillions. No one has been held accountable. No one has gone to jail. No one has been charged. This is the most corrupt Administration ever put into place in Washington DC in the history of this country. No Administration has ever made more monetary gain and stolen more money from the people than Obama's Administration. No Administration has shown more contempt or disrespect for our Constitution and our government than Barack Obama's Administration. Even if you think our government has been corrupt throughout the years, you cannot agree with Obama's attack on our Constitution. The United States is not perfect by any means, but we have lived under the same Constitution longer than any other country in the history of the world. Our Constitution is flexible. It is a beautifully written document that if applied as it was intended, is fair to everyone. In our Constitution their is what is referred to as the Bill of Rights. It is a set of Amendments that gives the People of the United States the Rights that protect us against our Federal and State governments. Without these rights, we could easily become a socialist or communist state. People you have rights. You have choices, and you have powers to fight back against the corruption that is rampant in Washington, DC at the moment. Do not let election year pleas and promises cloud your judgement when it is time to pull the curtain and cast your vote. Stop and think about the crimes being committed in Washington, and NY right now. Make a change. Make changes happen with your vote. DO NOT believe the lies a Politician tells you to get elected. Make a change to vote those in control right now out of office. Everyone that voted in favor of a bailout should be voted out of office. Is was and is a scandal. They all became richer by stealing from you and no one is being held accountable. I started to write about Friday 13th but after the first paragraph, I was just not that into it considering all the political and social things going on around us this week. I know some people that read this blog do not come here to read about political issues but there are some very serious issues that have occurred in the past week that people need to know about. People need to be concerned about the things that are happening today because never in the history of the US has any of this ever been used before. The first most troubling issue was this week's Executive Order. Last year Congress took up discussion of a bill to give the Federal Government control of public communications in the event of social unrest, or in the case of National Security. The American public was so incensed by the bill that Congress dropped the issue and it was swept under the rug. Last week Barack Hussein 'Baby Doc' Obama, abused his power of Executive Orders again when he signed an Executive Order giving Homeland Security the right to control public communications in the event of social unrest, or other times as deemed necessary in the interest of National Security.
Now let's think about this a minute. Last year riots erupted throughout Egypt and other Mid Eastern countries fueled by the people's use of Twitter and other social media. The Constitution gives you, the citizen, the right to protest in this country if there comes a time that the people feel the government is no longer governing in a fair and democratic way. To give the government the legal right to come in and turn off your telephones, your Internet, your cell phones, your satellite television, your cable television, and radio is more in line with Communism and Socialism. The government already had the right to break into programming to give the people information in the event of emergencies. The government also have proven time and again, that it can have a press conference any time it pleases. So what made the government, or in this case "Barry 'Baby Doc' Obama" feel it was necessary to sign an Executive Order to cutoff the public's ability to communicate with each when 'Baby Doc' or his lying bunch of cronies feels it is necessary? Secondly this week it was announced, that on July 17, 2012, 'Barry Baby Doc Obama,' is scheduled and has stated that he is going to sign the United Nations, Arms Trade Treaty. This is the name of a potential multilateral treaty that would regulate the international trade in conventional weapons. This means that your right to buy, sell, trade and own weapons will be decided by the International Community, not the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. "In the US, the treaty power is a coordinated effort between the Executive branch and the Senate. The President may form and negotiate a treaty, but the treaty must be advised and consented to by a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Only after the Senate approves the treaty can the President ratify it. Once a treaty is ratified, it becomes binding on all the states under the Supremacy Clause. While the United States House of Representatives does not vote on it at all, the requirement for Senate advice and consent to ratification makes it considerably more difficult in the US than in other democratic republics to rally enough political support for international treaties......Wikipedia" People right now is the time to talk to your SENATORS. The Senate is Democratically Controlled. This does not mean all Democrats are going to mechanically do anything 'Baby Doc' asks them to do. However, in order to receive political and monetary support from the Democratic Party and the base they need to support 'Baby Doc' Obama and his policies. If you sit back and do nothing, you are endangering the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, which some of you may not support. However, let me point out that if the 2nd Amendment can easily be gutted with the support base it has in the US there is not an Amendment in the Bill of Rights that is safe. That means the Bill of Rights could easily be gutted and that ends the people's right to oppose their government which is then Communism, or Socialism. Is this truly what you want this country to be? Remember, people have died all over the world trying desperately to come to the United States, because it has been described as the Greatest Country in the history of the world. Americans have died all over the world bringing Rights to humans that we take for granted today. We the people, of the Untied States of America, owe it to the rest of the world, and to our allies to not change our political make up and beliefs. We made a country, and we are a country that people from all over the world love to hate, and hate to love. We are a country that free people throughout the world look to for protection, of freedom and human rights. Why, why, why, would we allow anyone to come into our nation and change our way of life, our laws, or our religious freedoms? Why do we allow, any elected official, a person that works for the people, paid for by the people, abuse executive powers, lie to our face, steal our money, rob us blind in our banking institutions, continue to work for us? It is time for the American people to stand up and put their foot down. It is time to end the political corruption of our two party system. It is time to just end political corruption altogether. I challenge everyone, to ask your neighbors, your friends and your family members if they are registered to vote. Do not dictate to anyone who or what they should or should not vote for. It is more important that they exercise their Right to vote. No one's vote is wrong. People vote on issues based on what is important to them and that is what makes us a great nation. Just make sure you get as many people that you know, to register to vote. On election day, call your friends, and your family members and help them get to the polls. Make sure they understand how to vote. If they need help get them some help. It is your basic Right in the US to be able to vote. Your employer must provide you with the opportunity to vote during the day when the polls are open. If you are going to be away or you cannot get to the polls on election day check into the process needed for an absentee ballot. Do anything you have to do to exercise your Right to cast your vote in November. It is the most important thing you do as a citizen, between November 2nd and November 8th every election year. ( Elections occurs on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The earliest possible date is November 2 and the latest possible date is November 8.) Lastly, for the people in the 5th Congressional District in Alabama, I want to share the responses I received from a men running for the Senate. I asked both candidates what their position was on United Nations Agenda 21, and what action they would take if it was brought to the Senate if they were in office. Here are the following responses I got. June 19, 2012 Mr. Christopher Massey *** County Road *** Rogersville, AL 35652 Dear Mr. Massey: Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts and views. I appreciate your engagement in the democratic process and am honored to serve as your Congressman from the Fifth District of Alabama. Serving as a member of two Congressional committees which are key to our district—House Armed Services and Science, Space and Technology, gives me the forum to better address the issues affecting you. Our continued communication is vital to my job representing your views in Congress. Please continue to feel free to contact me in the future regarding issues of importance to you. You may wish to visit my website at for additional information about issues and legislation. Sincerely, Mo Brooks Member of Congress MB/cc Mr. Brooks' opponent, on the Democratic ticket, Mr. Charlie Holley's response to the same questions. Hello Chris, I'm sorry to say I'm not familiar with Agenda 21 but I will look it up and respond with my thoughts. I will give you answers to both questions after studying Agenda 21. Please give me a little time. Thanks Charlie I have to say, I am a little concerned that Charlie Holley is not aware of UN Agenda 21, since Alabama became the first state 2 weeks ago to pass legislation to protect its citizens against this process. However, now that he is aware of this issue and if he does truly read it, it enlightens another American against encroachments on America and America's autonomy. It is my belief Mo Brooks did not give me, one of the voters in his district the time of day, much less, the time to read a question and answer it. Mr. Brooks obviously does not work for me, or anyone in my family or if he did, I just fired him and his pink slip from me will arrive in November. I vote for the person I feel will do the best job for this country based on my beliefs. In this case it is my belief that Mr. Brooks is too concerned with the committees he is on to address my concerns. Too bad, because I am a Registered Republican. |