I have made this argument before that we need to do something about the serious condition of our Infrastructure. However, I have not offered a suggestion on how to fund the rebuilding of America but I think I offered a great suggestion earlier this week on Facebook.
It is estimated that the current cost of maintaining the roads in the US is approximately $225 billion per year. All across America we have bridges and overpasses in critical need of repair. We have levees and dams that have disintegrated to the point of that it is only a matter of when not if one collapses again killing more innocent people trying to make a living and raise a family in the United States. Read the papers across America and everyday you will read stories like this one last week in the NY Post: "Sinkhole nearly swallows a car in Brooklyn." Why? Americans are taxed out the ass. Our earning are taxed, and our expenditures are taxed. We pay federal, state and local taxes on almost everything we buy. On top of that we pay special taxes for gasoline, and sin taxes for cigarettes and alcohol. You cannot even die in this country without taxes having to be paid for the things you leave your family. If you do well and purchase a house or property there is a property tax. WE ARE TAXED TO FUCKING DEATH. A recent report to Congress says "Hundreds of Millions of US taxpayer dollars have been wasted on poorly managed infrastructure projects in Afghanistan." Why? What the fuck has Afghanistan done for us to deserve any of the taxpayers money? I haven't been asked if it is okay to spend my tax money on foreign soil. As a matter of fact let me make myself perfectly clear to my representatives. Stop spending my tax dollars on foreign soil. We need it here at home at the present time. Everyone with half a brain knows that you must take care of yourself first or you will not be able to take care of others. Right now America is suffering. Fuck everyone else in the world. Fix America first. A report was released just this week, "The IRS missing billions of tax dollars in ID theft." Why isn't someone from the IRS in front of a federal judge and being charged for dereliction of their sworn duties? Why isn't there a report of an investigation being launched concerning this issue? Someone needs to go to PRISON. A new report out of Brown University estimates that the "U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq--together with the counterinsurgency efforts in Pakistan--will, all told, cost $4 trillion and leave 225,000 dead, both civilians and soldiers." $4,000,000,000,000. That is approximately $12, 689 the federal government could have given to each man, woman, and child in the USA. I could have used that myself. That would have also helped to rebuild a portion of the roads and infrastructure in the United States. Someone is lying to us. We need answers. Not only do we need answers, we are entitled to answers. We were told at the start of the Iraqi War that eventually Oil Money would reimburse the USA for removing Saddam Hussein from power. Where is that money? It is time to stop sending taxpayers money overseas. Wasting it on wars and on countries that have no desire for improvement. "LIBORgate is HUGE and it's not likely that any government body can cover it up because civil lawsuits alleging outright fraud are flying fast and furious." According to The Economist article, the LIBOR rate was used to set interest rates on $800 trillion worth of financial instruments. That is 800,000,000,000,000. That is enough money to payoff the National Debt 53.3 times. Amazing huh? Yet, no one is in jail. No one is demanding the return of the money that was simply stolen from the American taxpayer. It has been discovered that the Federal Reserve knew months before the bailout of J.P Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, Citi Groups and others that they all knew the Libor was fixed. They were all gaining Billions of Dollars from the fraud. Yet the bailout was given anyway at a cost of Billions of additional dollars from the taxpayers of the United States. Yet, no one in the United States is in Prison for the FRAUD. No one in the United States has been charged for the FRAUD. No one in the United States has taken any action to get the taxpayers money back. "As concerns rise about the state of America’s cities and the bond markets where they raise money, federal regulators on Tuesday called for broad reforms, while noting that some of the most rudimentary changes would require an act of Congress." Google the frauds that occur in the bond markets. Right now the American taxpayers are being defrauded out of millions of dollars across the United States in the Bond Markets and your city, county, state and federal governments know that they are stealing millions from the taxpayer. They see it as business as usual. When will it end? When is someone going to put a stop to this kind of unchecked, unaccountable fraud that our government is perpetrating against the people of the United States? We deserve better people. We deserve to have our tax money accounted for right down to the penny and when it is misused or stolen from us we deserve to have those responsible brought into a court of law, and the people deserve justice. Here is the greatest lie of all. The Federal Government has been lying to you about unemployment for years. Before Obama, before Bush. I encourage people to honestly read this article. It explains the process the federal government uses to calculate the unemployment percentage. http://www.blacklistednews.com/The_Employment_Rate_In_The_United_States_Is_Lower_Than_It_Was_During_The_Last_Recession/20845/0/38/38/Y/M.html People across America, there is an Average of 18% unemployment. In some areas it is as high as 25%. This is a far cry more than the 8% the federal government is lying to you about monthly in this election year. On top of that, a new report came out this week that rated available jobs in the US. The is the most bleak report of all. http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/only-24-6-percent-of-all-jobs-in-the-united-states-are-good-jobs . What is troubling about this is that there is no end in sight right now concerning unemployment, and there definitely is not an end in sight to the loss of more "Good" jobs in the US. With all this knowledge being shared everyday, why in God's name is anyone taking out a Student loan to pay for an education that will not be able to support you, your family and Sallie Mae at the same time. Last month it was reported that Student loan debt in the US has now surpassed Credit Card Debit. This debt can and never will be repaid. It is IMPOSSIBLE. There is no way Americans can afford to repay a college loan debt working for McDonald's and the Chinese Peddler Wal-Mart. It would seem to me that if the IRS can lose Billions, and if we have the money to help Afghanistan rebuild their Infrastructure, and if we can allow Financial Institutions to STEAL Trillions of dollars from us, and NO ONE GIVES A DAMN, the US Government can do something to help the struggling American families. Now here are some possible solutions to our current problems. Solutions are this easy. In a few Executive Orders any President could do the following:
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